Wow! What a week for Foot Levelers!
In addition to kicking off our exciting new partnership with Roanoke Fire-EMS, Elizabeth and Mary of Team Foot Levelers took our message of “healthy people = healthy company” on the road, speaking to the fine folks of Leadership Roanoke Valley Class of 2017 (LRV) on Wednesday.
LRV is an interactive 10-month program that unites movers-and-shakers from every sector of the workforce to develop leadership skills and discuss how to make Southwest Virginia a better, smarter, more innovative (and more fun!) place to live, work, and play.
Elizabeth spoke about how Foot Levelers’ innovative, homegrown Workout for Payout program keeps our employees healthy and happy and our company strong. You can check out a recent WSLS Channel 10 story about Workout for Payout, the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, and our star employee/hometown- basketball-hero-to-boot Abby Oliver here.
Thanks to Leadership Roanoke Valley for making us a part of your big day!